Collective #817

No. 817,  Thursday, February 22, 2024   View in browser

Collective Cover

Olá, frontend friends! 👋

I hope this week has been treating you wonderfully so far!

For those of you who have been with us for a while, you’ll know that we’ve been experimenting with lots of ideas and sharing them through our demos. Unfortunately, they weren’t organized in the best way.

That’s why I’m thrilled to introduce our new demo archive page today! Now you can browse through more than 500 demos and download them, filter them by tag or author (more than 80!).

I find it exciting to see the demos from 12 years ago that are still operational, showcasing the amazing journey of web animations 🤯

Dive in, explore, and please, don’t hesitate to send me your feedback. I’m eager to hear your thoughts on this new addition.

Wishing you a joyful Thursday!

This website stands out with its elegant style, featuring special enhancements and perfect design by Daniel Spatzek. Thom Aufresne‘s coding brings it all together with amazing scroll animations. It’s undoubtedly our website pick this week!

Standout Web Design Picks

Video Vault

Demo Corner

Creative Project Special

❓Did you know that…

…sharks biting undersea cables account for a small but notable risk to the internet’s infrastructure? This odd behavior has led to measures like Google armoring cables to prevent damage. It’s a quirky reminder of the challenges in safeguarding the cables that connect our digital world. 🦈

And that’s all! Thank you for reading the Collective! If you have something you would like us to feature in the next edition, simply reply to this email!

Your Codrops team xxx

Codrops is proudly sponsored by KeyCDN, the high performance content delivery network that has been built for the future.



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